Part I- Dr. Levi Training Program

Basic-Intermediate Concurrent Workout
Targets: Cardiovascular System, Core, Chest, Arms, Legs, Glutes

Let’s go!!
Time to exercise!!

5 min. Warm up on the rowing machine or elliptical trainer.
2 min. calf/ quad.- and hamstring lunge static stretch (30 sec. each side-2 sets)
3 sets of 10 of the following sequence (a-b-c-d) with 2-5 lbs. hand weights (Weights can be used as your fitness increases. Go at your own pace & intensity.)
a. Forward lunge on the right leg and perform a biceps curl
b. Forward lunge on the left leg and perform a biceps curl
c. Squat with weights at your side for 1 set, overhead press for another set and for the 3rd set do forward lateral raises (Control the weights carefully.)
d. Now, do a Burpee with the weights in your hands or without weights if the intensity causes your form to change. Perfect quality execution of the exercise is always better than a large quantity with poor form.
2-3 sets of 10 push-ups flat on the floor with mountain climbers between each set
10 push-ups-followed by 10 mountain climbers
(Advance exercisers can add 5 one-handed push-ups on each side for the last set. This is good!)
2-3 sets of backward lunges with the weights performing triceps kickbacks

Cool down:
2 min. slow walk

Stretch period:
5 min. stretch period while seated:
Cervical stretch…Stretch neck right ear to shoulder and then do left ear to left shoulder (30 seconds each side)
Overhead triceps stretch (30 sec. each side)
Seated static hamstring and quad stretch (30 sec. each side)
Standing forward calf stretch (Lean forward 45 degrees from a wall and keep the feet flat on the floor.) (Hold for 1 min.)
Cat rounded back stretch on the floor ( Hold for 30 seconds-2 sets)

You completed Part I of The Dr. Levi Basic/ Intermediate Concurrent Workout!!
Exercise is Life!
ByDr. Levi